Caiman latrinostris
The Caiman latrinostris is a subfamily of predominantly aquatic reptiles within the family Alligatoridae, encompassing several species more commonly known as caimans. These creatures are native to Central and South America and are characterized by their wide, flat bodies, short legs, and powerful tails, adapted for a semi-aquatic lifestyle.
Our new model, housed at Odense Zoo, provides an in-depth look at one particular species in this group - the broad-nosed caiman. Broad-nosed caimans are distinguished by their broader, shorter snouts as compared to other caimans, hence the name.
The model we've created measures 50 cm in length, meticulously designed to ensure scientific accuracy. One of the most striking features of this model is the depiction of a broad-nosed caiman carrying a baby crocodile in its mouth, showcasing a rarely witnessed behavior in the wild. This detail was carefully researched and included to highlight the incredible diversity of behaviors in the natural world.
Crafted with the highest precision and adherence to scientific detail, this model not only provides educational value but also serves as an engaging and fascinating visual experience for visitors. Come immerse yourself in the intriguing world of the Caiman latrinostris at Odense Zoo.
Photo by Rasmus Sigvaldi
3D sculptured by Dmytro Teslenko
Exhibition: Odense Zoo