
The Plesiosaurus, an extinct marine reptile from the Mesozoic Era, is renowned for its unique body structure, which consists of a small head, a long slender neck, a broad body, and a short tail. The creature could reach up to 5 meters, but our model for the Musée National d'Historie Naturelle in Luxembourg measures 3 meters.

The four flippers of the Plesiosaurus, each ending in clawed digits, were adaptations for aquatic life, utilized for an underwater flight similar to sea turtles and penguins. The robust skull housed sharp, conical teeth ideal for securing slippery prey.

This Plesiosaurus model provides a scientifically accurate depiction of a truly intriguing creature from the prehistoric oceans, offering a captivating insight into our planet's ancient past.

Photo by Rasmus Sigvaldi

Exhibition photos by Eric Schockmel from Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle Luxembourg